Hello Spring 2020 Leaderboard

Hello Spring 2020 Leaderboard

Hello Spring 2020 Leaderboard

“Spring is Nature’s Way of Saying – Let’s Party!”

With the arrival of the lusty spring season, Rummy Passion would like to welcome you all to join the first promotion of March – Hello Spring 2020 Leaderboard. This four-day promotion will shower loads of cash on you, but before you make up on the set days, polish your skills and come up with new tricks to outfox your rivals on the tables. Here’s a tabular format of what is the required information, you would need to participate in the promotion:

1 balaji601 14864 14670
2 PRASHANTJ26 12928 12759
3 Tiger100 12347 12186
4 a1b2c3 11618 11466
5 Ramesasi 10049 9918
6 valuer 9679 9552
7 Meehaswi 8878 8762
8 MSR9 8582 8470
9 vit1987 7063 6971
10 Rjguru 6306 6224
11 Valli7866 5979 5901
12 Sabarisak 5956 5878
13 jokul2014 5751 5676
14 Sindhuja 5491 5419
15 LADEN9099 5418 5347
16 beeram 5292 5223
17 Narendradimu 5211 5143
18 kondal143 5117 5050
19 sai2327 5084 5018
20 anbuprabhu 4891 4827
21 Sureshknl 4857 4794
22 boss1204 4835 4772
23 jit1989 4241 4186
24 prateep 4226 4171
25 Dossg 4219 4164
26 Rashram2020 4147 4093
27 9443704151 4133 4079
28 GEETUPANDU 4103 4049
29 Piyush5655 4033 3980
30 Mallamma1234 3915 3864
31 murali999 3870 3819
32 Nivi9 3808 3758
33 SS3809 3756 3707
34 Ksivakkk 3678 3630
35 rama1974 3657 3609
36 mullaisekar 3544 3498
37 Sachinambulg 3461 3416
38 mlakky143 3325 3282
39 Harsh32 3217 3175
40 ram2664 3096 3056
41 Ganga1606 3081 3041
42 hfhjkkgfj 3061 3021
43 PalanivelN 2994 2955
44 thiszkiran 2989 2950
45 Vij9999 2961 2922
46 bandarusrini 2955 2916
47 asokepapai 2885 2847
48 vijimadhan 2864 2827
49 Rameshbkkvl 2813 2776
50 anbalagan82 2773 2737
51 Svms 2763 2727
52 Nevergive 2700 2665
53 shiva.143 2660 2625
54 ravisharma98 2647 2612
55 panvith2018 2603 2569
56 bheeshma9828 2552 2519
57 Deepakporia8 2498 2465
58 selvanand 2461 2429
59 Bhim42891 2411 2379
60 Ch.venkatesw 2405 2374
61 babulakshmi 2384 2353
62 scofield2110 2309 2279
63 vivekenjoys 2160 2132
64 santoshturpa 2134 2106
65 Sheikhlegend 2120 2092
66 3swammy 2056 2029
67 Nadeem992 2046 2019
68 Kumardhanunj 2036 2009
69 YOGESH1401 2008 1982
70 Online 1977 1951
71 Razz5812 1965 1939
72 spp1518 1963 1937
73 Ranjithvp25 1956 1930
74 radha22200 1942 1917
75 Balasri11 1930 1905
76 Rajesh2560 1922 1897
77 KTR8900 1920 1895
78 neeru431153 1903 1878
79 Umarm 1879 1854
80 Rajpalborade 1828 1804
81 Muniraj9787 1803 1779
82 Priyathamiyc 1792 1769
83 Bujjigadu528 1786 1763
84 Schandu1052 1777 1754
85 neel141 1749 1726
86 Mic2019 1742 1719
87 deymanik 1733 1710
88 Pavan407 1696 1674
89 Anand164 1680 1658
90 ss9911897646 1677 1655
91 RK88N 1673 1651
92 vijaybvrm 1669 1647
93 babuChowdary 1654 1632
94 Sekhary 1647 1625
95 l3526rowtsfh 1623 1602
96 nanajit58 1595 1574
97 VIBHANNA 1589 1568
98 jitender45 1575 1554
99 nrb22 1554 1534
100 Sandy3791 1552 1532
101 gamer79 1545 1525
102 Amolparkar 1534 1514
103 knagisetti 1531 1511
104 NAGG79 1529 1509
105 vani59 1509 1489
106 Ravikumarrr 1461 1442
107 rajkumar4600 1449 1430
108 kanaguu 1440 1421
109 dskraju 1415 1397
110 Mpde2 1392 1374
111 Podili1985 1369 1351
112 Duraimsd 1361 1343
113 Karthikmega 1336 1319
114 Sandeepaaa 1328 1311
115 Rohith2006 1303 1286
116 baba7779 1299 1282
117 viveksasi 1290 1273
118 Khandoba 1279 1262
119 Shanabw1 1253 1237
120 Vis6789 1247 1231
121 Saranraj1 1246 1230
122 Naje 1240 1224
123 Anil5936 1239 1223
124 singh123 1214 1198
125 andvaij 1205 1189
126 shareef91 1191 1175
127 Arumugamface 1187 1171
128 Anantchopade 1168 1153
129 Jsr1970 1164 1149
130 Vikas6845 1163 1148
131 Arun78965 1162 1147
132 Vijaya2019 1160 1145
133 Tinkusharma 1155 1140
134 gangarebel 1153 1138
135 Naveenvagolu 1148 1133
136 Dina640 1144 1129
137 Muthu25 1143 1128
138 gsatyavani26 1128 1113
139 Nagesh3727 1125 1110
140 Narayana2244 1123 1108
141 Vikas9545 1118 1103
142 JustinDanny 1113 1098
143 srivenkat88 1109 1095
144 Santosh2891 1106 1092
145 Ronak903 1102 1088
146 Chalo 1102 1088
147 keshram65 1087 1073
148 Jhanvi07 1082 1068
149 gopi7979 1072 1058
150 DIMPU300 1067 1053
151 Drupi 1056 1042
152 viswa1988 1055 1041
153 Bajeebabu 1053 1039
154 Jahalda123 1048 1034
155 meamolag 1040 1026
156 Hamasree 1037 1023
157 PPPS123 1034 1020
158 Shiv2694 1027 1014
159 sand8076 1026 1013
160 Gsrr 1023 1010
161 Tnreddy 1020 1007
162 phanirama47 1003 990
163 prem1231 991 978
164 Mohammadsadi 989 976
165 Aditi1345 977 964
166 Sachinbn 964 951
167 Jagdishmakwa 951 939
168 Vernal9123 949 937
169 haritools 941 929
170 8144394857 938 926
171 Madhubabu.k 937 925
172 Sairat 931 919
173 Naresh19883 926 914
174 Hari1105 922 910
175 sach1973 917 905
176 sugandha66 909 897
177 Kiran6850 908 896
178 M.Yuva 904 892
179 ANILKJ999 884 872
180 Skr1117 884 872
181 Ramubhai 875 864
182 Sri_73 859 848
183 Mammu255 852 841
184 KAKARA123 843 832
185 ajitbha 842 831
186 kk1987 834 823
187 Satyamvisakh 832 821
188 Ihaldar 827 816
189 Srumsss7373 825 814
190 Gowrishenkar 824 813
191 nanna1122 824 813
192 Maheshyadavr 823 812
193 GDARMED 821 810
194 PRAMOD2303 814 803
195 Confirm1986 811 800
196 PAL4 799 789
197 Mandi1 798 788
198 sasikumar891 791 781
199 Lucky555555 777 767
200 Bala0224 776 766
201 ssagi 774 764
202 dnyane15 770 760
203 Rakesh3103 764 754
204 Sreenivasar 763 753
205 Daasa 760 750
206 Aaddit 758 748
207 Baggu1807 750 740
208 Sivajireddy3 748 738
209 lionlalith 743 733
210 DVNithil 739 729
211 Umeshwetha 738 728
212 Dowluri 736 726
213 ajithan2016 729 719
214 rama1994 729 719
215 Mahesh0000 721 712
216 PREMNATH74 717 708
217 View 717 708
218 NOBO2019 716 707
219 Gamesh 713 704
220 barun1 711 702
221 pavan277 708 699
222 Ambaji 704 695
223 Saiyo 704 695
224 Wilsona 703 694
225 Thipre 698 689
226 srib9550 697 688
227 Prasad7902 696 687
228 shibum2m 688 679
229 Bharat80 688 679
230 shanmukh1234 687 678
231 Saty2055 682 673
232 Sri3345 676 667
233 Pramod18mh 672 663
234 1234abcde 667 658
235 rkan2790 666 657
236 reddyap 665 656
237 xyz23 664 655
238 shivkumargm 661 652
239 Viru050880so 660 651
240 PrabRajangam 656 647
241 Sharukh7866 655 646
242 RajKVijay 655 646
243 SahuRahul 654 645
244 njannu12 653 644
245 1479mani 650 642
246 Jasvikattoch 649 641
247 Sachinatul 648 640
248 pawan.totala 648 640
249 Mrking222 648 640
250 Skhijit 643 635
251 Hyundai 641 0
252 Chirukatla 635 0
253 Rockye1 634 0
254 MENONMALLI 632 0
255 GbGadhavi123 632 0
256 Ratnaprabha 632 0
257 Asifbangi786 630 0
258 Lavika 630 0
259 Aviawasthi46 629 0
260 DHAR 628 0
261 ANIL444 627 0
262 Devanand888 626 0
263 Won123 623 0
264 BASHA999 622 0
265 Abhilash1289 616 0
266 rajmuthele 613 0
267 Prr1106 607 0
268 Dvsubbarao_1 605 0
269 Basavaraj55 603 0
270 anupwasnik 602 0
271 Joeboy 601 0
272 MPRDL3339 599 0
273 Vinesh3732 595 0
274 Sachinh 593 0
275 Sbshankhu 592 0
276 mangeshhh 591 0
277 frnd4ever 589 0
278 Shivputrappa 588 0
279 RONAK9985 586 0
280 Shailesh2891 586 0
281 Nagu509 586 0
282 Ranj916 585 0
283 SadhGuru 583 0
284 Maha4u 582 0
285 Ramjane123 575 0
286 Vikash0 568 0
287 dawkhar123 565 0
288 Thambi000 561 0
289 Nalinikanth 559 0
290 Sudalai6481p 558 0
291 Vaibhav4989 555 0
292 Mdrmnr 546 0
293 bharatshejal 542 0
294 Laljibhai383 540 0
295 GAUTAM3476 540 0
296 Yoghiwale 539 0
297 IRPA 539 0
298 Khajaraziya 539 0
299 Chandru123. 538 0
300 pk7890 535 0
Offer Name Hello Spring 2020 Leaderboard
Offer Dates 1st to 4th March 2020
Prize Pool Rs 5,00,000
Challenge Pro-Rata Leaderboard
Point Value 1 Point on Every Rs 100 Win
Announcement 5th March 2020
Winners 250 Players
Updates Real Time

NOTE – The prize money will be automatically added to players’ accounts after the Leaderboard promotion ends.

About the Contest

You don’t have to follow a particular format to play at India’s Most Loved Rummy Site. There are different tables for three different variants of rummy – Points Rummy, Pool Rummy and Deals Rummy, so you can choose the one that suits you the most and get started. Also, there’s no fixed buy-in option, and you can join the tables by making a minimum deposit of Rs 100 to play cash rummy.

How to Participate in the Contest?

The process to play rummy at Rummy Passion is quite easy. Login to your gaming account on your mobile via the rummy app or desktop, add cash and hop onto the tables to play cash games. As the promotion will be active for four days, you should play on all days to top the leaderboard list and win plentiful cash.

Give a Lift to Your Cash Winnings with these Influential Tricks!

  • To hold a strong position on the Leaderboard, we advise you to play cash games to your potential and give a tough fight to your rival players.
  • Also, if you will play on high limit cash tables during the promotion days, you will able to make the most of this offer.
  • Also, note that the new RAF bonus offer can get you Rs 2,500 for each friend. Invite as many friends as you can to multiply your wins.

A Note to All Players

  • Please note that the cashback you win by taking part in the Hello Spring 2020 Leaderboard will be subject to a playing requirement conferring to the criteria mentioned there. Check Rummy Passion’s Bonus Terms & Conditions.
  • To claim your share of the bonus, please make sure that you’ve completed your profile, including your KYC details.

This 2020 Spring Season, Show Your Love for Rummy Cards!

Want to start the month on a thrilling note? Kick start the journey with Online Rummy. If you have an account with Rummy Passion, now is your chance to win big with Hello Spring 2020 Leaderboard

Passion Se Khel!


Aanchal Dixit is an avid card gamer and technology enthusiast, with a passion for exploring the latest trends in the online gaming industry. With her expertise in both fields, Aanchal offers valuable insights and opinions on various topics. She is an experienced content creator and writer, known for crafting engaging and informative articles. Aanchal takes pride in delivering high-quality content that informs, entertains, and inspires.