What’s New To See In Cash Tournaments At Rummy Passion?
Rummy Tournaments have become a new craze these days, with players competing tooth and nail to grab the top spot. Rummy Passion always strives to provide the best for is beloved rummy players, and hence the site is brimming with stellar online rummy tournaments. Adding to the thrill and excitement of rummy lovers, Rummy Passion has gone all out with three new cash tournaments that promise unlimited fun for all. The best part is that all these will be held daily, and players can participate to grab some big wins. Check out the newest tournaments at Rummy Passion and hit the vibrant tables right away.
What are the New additions at Rummy Passion?
Rummy Passion is out with three New Cash Tournaments and the best part is that each of these tourneys is held daily at a fixed time, hosting a maximum of 30 players each. Register on time to book your slot, lest you miss a chance to be part of the fun.
- Cash 500 TournamentThe Cash 500 tournament has gained immense popularity in the short time since its launch with scores of players competing to prove their mettle at the vibrant tables. The tournament is held twice a day at 2 PM and 6 PM on all seven days of the week, thereby giving all rummy lovers a chance to participate and revel in the thrill of competing against other equally skilled players. Registration begins 48 hours before the tourney scheduled time, and you must deposit Rs. 500 to secure your seat on time.
- Cash 1000 TournamentIt is yet another popular tournament at Rummy Passion that promises a massive prize pool for the rummy lovers. Simply deposit Rs. 1000 to secure your seat at the vibrant tables and get ready to enjoy non-stop action and fun at 4 PM each day. It offers an excellent opportunity for new players to hone their rummy skills and win real money day after day.
- Cash 2500 TournamentOffering the highest prize pool in Cash Rummy Tournaments, the Cash 2500 is a highly lucrative choice for Indian rummy lovers. Held at the ‘Prime Time’ of 8 PM each day, his tournament is a not-to-miss opportunity if you want to get some big cash in your pockets. If you are one of those players that yearn to hit the jackpot, then Cash 2500 tournament presents just the right opportunity for you. Secure your seat well in time by depositing Rs. 2500 and get ready to beat your opponents in the endearing card game.
How to Join a Rummy tournament?
New to Rummy Passion and wondering how to join a tournament? It’s really easy to join and play tourneys, simply follow the steps below and get ready to have a great time:
- In the game lobby, select the “Tournaments” tab. An entire list of tournaments at Rummy Passion will be displayed where you can select and register according to your preferences.
- Click on the green-coloured Register button in front of your favourite tourney to join.
- A confirmation popup will appear where you need to click on the yes button. Upon successful joining, the registration amount will be deducted from your account.
- Once you register for a particular tourney, it will be updated in the ‘My Tournaments’ head, right at the top of the tourneys list.
- Remember to register on time as, once the maximum players have registered, you will be unable to grab a seat at the tables.
Tips for Winning Big!
To grab the top position in rummy tourneys, merely possessing the right skills is not enough. You need to be a vigilant player and possess thorough knowledge about the one you wish to participate in. Tournaments allow you to test your expertise in the game while competing against some of the best in the industry. If you have the competitive spirit, then playing and winning at tournaments is a must.
Before joining a tourney, you must note and analyse few aspects like the time and day it will be held on, whether the entry fee suits your budget, number of rounds to determine the duration, and the final prize pool. All these factors must be kept in mind before registering to reap the maximum benefits.
Also, since tournaments offer an ultimate test of your skills, you must master the different game strategies beforehand so that you can easily overcome difficulties while playing. To know the latest rummy tricks, you can check out the Rummy Gyan Blog. Always keep an eye on the opponent even when the game gets tough, as it is an important key to you get out of even the trickiest situations.
Summing Up
The tourneys at Rummy Passion are well known for the excitement, thrill and fun they provide. The site has been offering several tournaments that match each players requirements’ and the addition of new tournaments further offers each one an opportunity to grab the big wins. So, if you too love the adrenaline rush that competing in rummy tourneys brings, then do check out the new additions at Rummy Passion and don’t forget to share your success story with us. For the latest updates, keep checking the latest promotions so that you don’t miss any opportunity to play and enjoy your favourite card game online.
Happy Gaming!