Boost Your Wins With Rummy Passion’s Multi-Table Feature
You might have known card game Rummy for thrills, excitement, and fun, but there is much more to the game than this. It has multiple interesting features and variants that players can enjoy. Users even have the option to play at multiple tables, which makes online rummy more riveting.
The Multi-table Rummy game feature gives a contemporary feel to the interface and allows players to play up to 3 games on a single screen. It is an engrossing feature where players can enjoy rummy game and win huge rewards. The only condition is that players should have a set of skills and strategies to ace the game.
The main advantage of this feature is that players can play multiple games at the same time, resulting in optimal utilization of the waiting time. Online Rummy’s multi-table feature can be played on mobile and desktop.
Multi-Table Feature for Mobiles
While opponents are at play, players can enjoy a series of games until their next turn. Players can choose up to three games consecutively. The objective of introducing this feature is to reduce the waiting time and allow players to enjoy faster rummy games.
All you need to do to use the multi-table feature is:
- Go to Rummy Passion’s game lobby either on App or MWeb and select any cash table variant of your choice.
- While you’re playing the game, click on the ‘Add Game’ button to play another rummy cash game alongside.
- Select your desired cash game variant, entry fee, and points value. Click on the “Join” button to start playing.
Multi-Table Feature for Desktop
The Multi-table feature is available for desktop users as well; the process is similar to that of mobile. With the multi-table feature for desktop, you can play three games at the same time. Each game can be played by opening a “New Tab” on the desktop screen.
If you are an avid player, you should keep a few tips handy to ace the game at multiple tables. Here are some tips to help you play multi-table online rummy:
Develop Rummy Skills
Rummy is a skill-based game, where players are required to have good knowledge of the game. It is advisable to understand the game properly and devise strategies as per the requirements. Without having proper knowledge and understanding, multiple table gameplay may seem like a tough task. Players are advised to be adept at the basic know-how of the game. Once you learn the rules of the game, you become confident enough to play at multiple tables.
1. Practice and Learn
While playing rummy games at multiple tables, players may face new challenges at every stage. With every new challenge, players can learn a new lesson. At first, players might feel pressured while playing at different tables at the same time. This stress can be balanced by playing on practice tables.
2. One Strategy at a Time
While playing online rummy at multiple tables, players should only stick to strategies in which they are proficient. Players should adopt one strategy at a time in order to be efficient in their play. Users should stick to only those strategies which are useful for multiple table gameplay.
3. Multi-tabling of the Same Variant
In Rummy Passion, players have the option to play any rummy variant with the multi-table feature. The players can choose to play either of the Points Rummy, Pool Rummy, or Deals Rummy variants with the multi-tabling feature. It is advisable for beginners to play the same variant at different tables, as it will not cause confusion in the game.
4. Choose the Same Player Tables
Playing at multiple tables with varying numbers of players may seem hassle-free, but in reality, it is difficult to transition between the two. Players should play at tables that have a similar number of players. Suppose you are playing at a 2-player table at one table, then you should play at a 2-player table at another table. As a beginner, if you want to upskill yourself, then you should play at the 2-player tables first and then move to the 6-player tables.
To conclude, we can say that, with an increased number of games, the winning chance also increases. The multi-tabling feature in online rummy allows players to play multiple games at a faster pace. It boosts the player’s morale and provides an enriching gameplay experience. The above-mentioned tips help the player ace online rummy games at multiple tables. India’s Most Loved Rummy App has come a long way by offering an ever-enhancing and unmatchable gaming experience to players.
So, grab your seat and get set to win your share of the epic rewards at Rummy Passion.