
The month of March was full of new and exciting colours for everyone, including the enthusiastic players at Rummy Passion. The onset of spring brought with it new opportunities for players to improve their rummy skills while competing on the...

January began with a bash for players at Rummy Passion. Each player was filled with high energy, enthusiasm and aspirations to fulfil their New Year’s resolutions. We want to congratulate all those who successfully checked off their rummy goals for...

2019 has been a year full of surprises, especially for the players at Rummy Passion. Now that the year has ended, it’s time to briefly reflect on your year-long journey, what you accomplished and the lessons you learnt. Having your...

“Practice Like You’ve Never Won, Play Like You’ve Never Lost.” - Anonymous The month of September yet again bought some beautiful memories and quite a handful of players emerged as winners in various Leaderboards and Tournaments. It was a month full of...

“The aim of life lies in always pushing your limitations, to achieve what you desire.” Congratulations to all those who won at the vibrant Rummy Passion tables in July! Your constant efforts and a sure belief in your ability have led you to success....