
“The aim of life lies in always pushing your limitations, to achieve what you desire.” Congratulations to all those who won at the vibrant Rummy Passion tables in July! Your constant efforts and a sure belief in your ability have led you to success....

Success is delivered only to the deserving. Rummy Passion congratulates all its rummy winners on their newly found achievement! Wondering why we used the words ‘newly found achievement’? Whether you are a consistent winner or have started winning recently, success is something that...

Big Congratulations to all those who played with all their might and main at India’s most loved rummy site, and came out winners! Those who somehow missed this time, should commit themselves to making a mark next time. We’ve got a...

Online Rummy might be a new-found passion for gaming aficionados, but not card games. Cards and card games have existed for centuries, in India as well as around the globe. It might come as a revelation, but it’s very much...

You must have been enjoying Indian Rummy Online for a long time. Ever wondered how rummy got its name? There are no solid facts, yet interesting conjectures! Alongside revealing the names of January Winners at, we’re going to take you on...

New year is the time when we introspect about the gone year and make resolutions for the year before us. Our rummy champs should also contemplate how they fared in 2018, and look forward to setting the Online Rummy Tables on fire...

In the words of Albert Einstein, “Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.” Being a rummy genius might not be all that hard, but you do need a passion for the game to excel at it. As always, a lot of players...